This is an outline/plan of the stages of development for the IPC. This describes how we envision the growth of the community and how we will ensure a growth that is sustainable for the land and natural ecosystems as well as being productive and enriching for the tribe.

Founder Phase (year 0)

Establish the requirements and collect the necessary tools to move the project forward. This includes (as of June 2017);

  • Visioning (accomplished)
  • Writing up a prospectus / business plan (accomplished)
  • Incorporating the legal entities necessary (half way there)
  • Writing a membership contract (accomplished)
  • Developing a questionnaire for new members (accomplished)
  • Creating a website for the project (accomplished)
  • Attracting Participants (on going)
  • Attracting investors (on going)
  • Choosing a region for the project to develop (accomplished)
  • Scouting for appropriate lands for the project (accomplished)
  • Purchasing the best land at the best deal possible (accomplished)

Pioneer Phase (year 1)

At this stage, 10 Participants will come to the land to camp, explore, observe and begin envisioning how the IPC will become one with the natural ecosystems on the land.

This first year is an incubation period where little is actually changed or built on the land. This is a period of deep observation and the fermenting of ideas and getting an understanding of the local region too. Some small steps toward self sufficiency will be taken.

Pioneers will be preparing the nursery, acquiring and seeding plants and grafting trees, deciding and making the steps necessary for an income stream to begin by the following year & most importantly writing the Permaculture Master Plan for the community by years end (12 consecutive months from purchase). When the Permaculture plan is ready it will be presented to all parties involved; investors, Participants in waiting and the Community Earth Land Trust. This plan will be approved by a majority from these groups and any proposed changes will be voted upon using our online democratic model within 3 months of publishing.

Since the Permaculture Plan will not yet have been finalized, pioneers will not be alloted any stewarded spaces however they will be the first people to choose their stewarded lot once the Plan has been completed.

We, the pioneers, will be living a more rugged lifestyle than those who come afterwards. We will be camping and making a few ranch style (palapas) and if necessary may build our first primitive communal building with a work station, lounge and kitchen on a raised platform. We will most likely or quite often be cooking meals communally and sharing expenses for such costs.

Before the first year is up, the project is hoping to attract 10 Participants with varying skill sets to help us plan the future well. Primarily looking for permaculturists, planners, architects, engineers (electrical, mechanical), innovators and farmers and ideally those who already have some experience in the tropics. We will also have a bilingual Panamanian on board. We could use the services of a web master off site - until we start up a communication hub from the land, to deal with advancing the website and making sure our uploads function.

Pioneers will get a small stipend of $200 USD each per month to help them survive and ensure the success of the project.They are also waived from paying the 6 month try out period entrance fee (see The Financial Cost of Initial Participation Chart in the Steward Section of the IPC Membership Contract), and be considered full members when they complete 6 months in this pioneer unit together. Only the founders have voting power before this time. There will be a maximum of 10 such Participants. These will be hand picked by the founders on the merits of what we can achieve together to boost the community in the right direction.

If you are interested in becoming a pioneer please let the founders know as soon as possible.

Investors and anyone who have put a down payment on their trial rental fee will be kept abreast of design considerations on a quarterly basis (every 3 months) and can give their opinions and raise concerns as the design progresses by email, phone or by visiting the land.

Early Development Phase (year 2 to 6)

Upon approval of the permaculture plan, new Participants will be welcome to come and begin living and working as a tribe.

In this stage most of our energy will be going towards building basic community infrastructure, building some personal homes and/or co-housing structures, and starting up cooperatives and businesses to meet our needs. There will also be an emphasis on food security; planting of food forests and expanding gardens will be a priority. The implementation of the Permaculture Plan will continue, remaining carefully attuned to our environment and the needs of the community.

When the tribe notices that it is missing skill sets, We(the tribe) will first ask Participants if such skill sets can be quickly learned by a willing member first, then if they know anyone in their entourage and finally outreach to experts to give a workshop on the subject. The IPC would like to attract new possible members in various industries that the tribe may lack the skills or knowledge of.

Late Development Phase (7 to 12)

Many of the fruit trees by this time will have begun to bear, allowing for a more food secure community.

This is where we will really begin to blossom as a tribe, there will be a strong community culture that will establish itself and our common heritage. This is also the period where larger cooperatives start turning substantial profits and when we plan to have paid off the land and basic community infrastructure and where Participants will probably have more time to build the homes that they dream of, and/or start up other personal projects.

Established Fruition Phase (13 years and beyond)

This is where we as a community can begin to really enjoy all the fruits of our collective labor and where the infrastructure has been established. We will probably reduce our collective work load and spend time with each other and the world in other ways.

When the community is called on or feels it important to share our hardships and successes we will find ways to help other communities thrive. In this stage we may decide to expand, help start up other communities and/or become more involved in networking and resource sharing with others around the world.