IPCs Forest Adoption Program
It has been said that the jungle is the Earths lungs. It produces oxygen in vast amounts, sequesters carbon and is important for all life on earth yet not enough is being done to protect this diverse biological resource. The core team have witnessed first hand the destruction of jungle in Central America.
In Panama, the government continues to give major incentives to the meat and dairy industry, to clear cut and establish more grazing lands. As if this were not bad enough many fields are then sprayed with herbicides such as 2D4 each year to reduce weeds, which inadvertently are killing off river species at an alarming rate and ultimately spitting more chemicals into the ocean. There has also been much erosion since forests help keep water tables high and without them the mountains here turn dry as weathering washes away the top soil. All this is detrimental not only to the natural ecosystems but also to the health of locals who are not engaged in such activities and whom are afraid to speak up due to the financial power of some of these rich farming families.
The International Permaculture Community is dedicated to protecting old growth forests and replanting new ones. We both want to protect large areas of remaining jungle from such barbaric exploitation and save watersheds in the process - and you can help make this happen! It is our duty to ourselves and future generations and species to protect as much jungle as possible as soon as possible. It is a matter of finding the people who want to live nearby and protect the forests and matching them with people who have the funds to acquire them. Giving to the 'Forest Adoption Program' ensures that large chunks of this bio-diverse natural heritage, be preserved for generations.
Adopt a whole acre forever for only $600 USD today! You can adopt as many acres as you wish to be protected through the IPC and our protected habitat zoning. By helping adopt an acre you are also investing in our eco-community that will help guard it, ensuring over site in its protection. 50% of the land that the Tribe calls home is zoned for natural habitat. At this time we are offering 80 acres that need guardians such as you to adopt them.
To show our gratitude to people who adopt an acre or more, the community wants to welcome those who donate to come for persons and their immediate family a free week stay at the eco-village site, at your convenience (pending available visitor space) to say thank you and to see for yourself the lands that we are protecting and reforesting with your financial contributions and to have a base to visit the region among friends.
Your donation of $600 USD adopts an acre of jungle today!