Ivan T.

Ivan experiments with social, agricultural and energy paradigms, seeking truths (subjective and absolute) from such exploration and observation. He believes that system structure is very important and affects the patterns of human and ecological interaction to which we must resolve to understand and play with structures until they create harmony.
He was a bio-intensive organic farmer in Quebec, Canada, between 2004 to 2009. Following this period he began learning about species in sub tropical climates, undertaking a personal plant compendium and taking on work exchange in the South during the winters. He completed a permaculture design course in Belize in 2014. In the summers he took on various alternative construction contracts and has experience with straw-bale, timber framing, cob and hempcrete. In 2017 he developed the IPC vision and built the website.
Now a happy father of three! His resolve is to take each challenge lovingly. His desire is to thrive and make thrive the International Permaculture Community. His interest is focused on food forest agriculture and appropriate technologies.
Jessie L.

Jessie has project managed for various non profit organizations in Canada. She has always been fascinated by human behavior which led her to study psychology, social science, massage and early childhood development while homeschooling her children.
Jessie has trained in yoga for 12 years before discovering martial arts 7 years ago. She worked for a martial arts school primarily in Qi gong, Tai Chi and Kung Fu and believes in the healing power of the practice. More recently she has worked with families in Quebec as a resource counselor.In the Spring of 2019 Jessie began traveling around to visit different communities and learn about permaculture which has led her to the IPC.
Daniele V.

Daniele loves self-sufficient and off grid living, surrounded by creative people and lush vegetation.
He is currently studying Natural and Enviromental Sciences at the University of Genoa (Italy), and is involved in growing food for the Community in harmony with the Permaculture’s Principles.
Soil biology, nutritional properties of the food and medicinal plants/mushrooms thrills his soul and makes him feel closer to the mystery of Gaia.
He believes that health is a holistic process, a state resulting from a dynamic balance that involves physical, psychological, social and environmental aspects.
After some incredible encounters with the power of rainforest plants and their medicinal properties he found in the IPC the right place to follow this vocation.
In the spare time he likes to explore wild areas, read and discuss about philosophy and science.
*Favourite fruits: 🍉, 🥭, 🍊 (addicted)*
Keyla D.

Keyla is a bouldering and climbing enthusiast. She is training in martial arts and is home-schooled. Ever mindful and helpful to those around her, her presence is much appreciated. Keyla likes to read and to learn and to try new things. She is willing to go on adventures of all kinds. Keyla recently became a dive master and helps out at a dive shop here in Bocas.
Eli D.

I was dragged down to Panama by my mom but now I love living in Bocas and hanging out with my friends. I like and play Lacross, Taekwondo, Basketball and of course my video games. At this time in my life I also enjoy fishing. I also like playing with my little sister. I can now speak both Spanish and English as well as my native French.
Teya Juno Sasha

I am now 4 years young and have a strong sense of self and my surroundings. I like to boss everyone around. My brother and sister often take me on adventures through Bocas town and especially in the park. Lua is my favorite friend and we play like we are peas and carrots. I love boats, birds, flowers, animal sounds, cookies and lots of food that grows around me... sunberries, katuk and clidemia petiolaris berries are my favorites. I also enjoy the water but I am a little weary of the ocean. I am starting to pee in a container and it makes me feel good when my parents acknoledge my efforts. I recently jumped on my own! My parents are impressed that I can string a basic sentence together. I am 'happy baby!'