At this stage, the Tribe still needs help finding investors, donors, spreading the word / publicizing, translating and programming. You can also now join the pioneers on the land where we will need people interested in micro-businesses, alternative construction - especially wood, bamboo, earth as well as any experienced permaculturalists to help design the master plan. We are organic farming too and establishing a food forest so all hands are welcome.
Depending on available lodging you can come and volunteer with us for 20 hours a week for a minimum and maximum of a month, however you will need to pay your contribution of food. We are starting to accept dedicated Wwoofers under a different arrangement.
Are there specific skills you would like to share? Please let us know whats on your mind. There will be many more specific volunteer opportunities once the Eco-village has been planned out.
Please don't hesitate to send us a message at tribe@communityearth.org with your intentions and hopes and we will communicate with you to arrange an agreement we are both happy with.